The ellipse laser is a safe treatment for removing excess hair. The laser operator directs the light to the treatment area. Hair contains a pigment (melanin) that absorbs intense pulsed light and converts it into heat. This heat is then directed through the hair to the hair follicle, which then disappears and is unable to produce new hair.

To ensure optimal light transmission to the hair, a thin layer of gel is applied to your skin before treatment. The operator then moves the hand applicator over the entire treatment area.

Since the treatment relies on the absorption of light by melanin, this means that the most effective treatment is seen with dark hair.

Sessions required:

Hair growth is cyclical because hair follicles go through a process of rest and growth. Only growth phase follicles contain hair and are destroyed by heat. Resting hair follicles must enter the growth phase before they can be effectively removed by laser. For this reason, it is necessary to repeat the treatment at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks (usually 4-8 sessions).

To ensure that hair follicles are targeted as much as possible, it is important to avoid waxing, bandaging, waxing, or applying any shaving cream to that area for at least one month before or during treatment. Hair can be shaved. It is important to avoid tanning the treatment area before and during treatment.