

An electrocautery is a method in which an electric current is passed through a strong metal wire (probe) and the heat generated in this process is used in various medical methods. The heat generated by the electric catheter can be applied to living tissues to burn any abnormal tissue or inhibit blood loss (achieve homeostasis).

Electrocautery is used for various purposes, including:

Electrocautery at low temperatures can be used to destroy superficial tissue in the treatment of superficial masses and relatively without blood vessels (without blood). Such lesions include:

Eliminate moles

Seborrheic keratosis - a type of noncancerous skin growth


Viral infections that cause fleshy bumps on the skin

Verrucae is a contagious and often painful wart

Syringoma - non-cancerous tumors commonly found on the eyelids and cheeks

Small angiomas - a type of abnormal growth caused by blood vessels

Higher temperature electrocautery to remove thicker skin lesions such as:

Sebaceous hyperplasia - Enlargement of the sebaceous glands trapped by sebum -

Pyogenic granulomas - tumors of noncancerous blood vessels found on the skin

Hemostasis (cessation of blood loss) of blood vessels in the surgeon