After Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow transplant after care

▪ Swelling and bruising                                   

Swelling and bruising after implantation continues up to 10 days after implantation and requires special care.

The asymmetry of the eyebrows during this period is normal and caused by swelling and is nothing to worry about

A low-salt diet is recommended to prevent further swelling and to drink more fluids. 

Medicines prescribed to prevent swelling (anahil and triamterene) must be used

The use of a cold compress should be placed on the eyelid for 10 minutes every 2 hours for the first 48 hours (without contact with the implanted area) and after 48 hours of the compress

warm to be used in the same way (clean and warm cloth on the eyelids)

Sleep half-sitting at night for 2 weeks after planting and do not sleep on your side at all and do not sleep on your face for 1 year and put your hand on your eyebrows when sleeping.

Do not use the Biopteron device (phototherapy device available in the clinic) until 48 hours after implantation. It is recommended to heal swelling and bruises .


▪ Falling and growing

✓ Falling phase

Implanted hair loss starts about 2 weeks after implantation and lasts up to 3 months. Regrowth starts around the fourth month and takes 9 months. The final result will be determined after 1 year. During this time, be patient and don't worry.

1. During this period, it is recommended not to use cosmetics and chemicals (eyebrow pencil and shadow, soap, eyebrow mascara, and eyebrow dye) on the implanted area in order not to cause them to fall off.

2. From the end of the second month after the implantation, with the doctor's advice, be sure to do mesotherapy and PRP to strengthen the roots of the implanted hair (the number of sessions required according to the consulting doctor's opinion)

3. From the end of the first month after implantation, Serita or Axiria eyebrow enhancer (according to the doctor's prescription) should be used on the eyebrows once a day for a year.

4. Relevant visits should be taken seriously during this period.

5. Prescription supplements should be consumed three to six months after planting.


▪ Washing and ointments

1. For the first four days after the application of gentamicin ointment on the eyebrows once at night before going to sleep (in the place of stitches) (twice a day), wash your hands thoroughly before using the ointment and apply the ointment with bare hands apply)

2. After that, use erythromycin ointment in the same way on the eyebrows and stitches for 10 days.

3. During the first 3 days, don't get the planting site wet, not even sweat. (Avoid heavy activity and heat)

4. Washing must start on the fourth day after planting and continue for 10 days.

5. From the fourth day, every morning as soon as you wake up, take a warm shower for twenty minutes so that the eyebrows and stitches are well soaked. Wash the head with shampoo (preferably baby shampoo) and let the foam of the shampoo pass over the eyebrows (never touch the eyebrows until the 10th day after planting). Be sure to wash the suture area so that the scabs are clean and do not become infected. From the 10th day after planting in the bathroom, after completely wetting the eyebrows with an eyebrow brush or brush, the eyebrows must be brushed to remove scabs.

6.Also, from the fourth day of planting, keep the eyebrows wet for 10 days with water spray every hour.

7. Use a bowl of water for washing during this period and pour two bowls of water (one containing 4-5 drops of baby shampoo and one empty water) once or twice a day on the eyebrows and Then wash the floors in the same way with a bowl of water.

8. I note that washing continues from the fourth day after planting for 10 days with the three methods explained above to clean scabs and wounds.


▪ Eyebrow correction

1. If the transplanted hairs are removed with tweezers, they may not grow back.

2. To correct the eyebrows, scissors should be used for shortening and a razor should be used for correcting the shape of the eyebrows.

3. It is better not to trim the eyebrows until 2 weeks after the implantation, and for the first time, a trim should be done in the set so that they can be trained.

4. It is better not to cut the eyebrows too much during the fall phase, so that the parts that have fallen are less obvious, but the eyebrows must be arranged.


▪ Medicines

1. The prescription is prescribed immediately after the implantation for a period of one month, and after that, they go to the clinic to receive the prescription for the next months.

2. Prescription antibiotics must be taken to prevent head infection.

3. Pain reliever must be taken for 2-3 days to prevent pain

4. Strengthening drugs are very important and should be consumed.

5. Antihistamine should be used for itching of the suture area and eyebrows.


▪ Other points that need to be mentioned:

1. Up to one month, air conditioners and fans, as well as direct sunlight, are not suitable for planting. Use a hat with a mask or sunglasses (without touching the eyebrows).

2. Saunas, swimming pools, jacuzzis and heavy sports are prohibited for up to four months.

3. Using tobacco for up to one year has a direct effect on the result of implantation.

4. For some time after planting, to prevent damage to the planting area and the eyebrows, they should wear clothes with a wide collar and buttons.

5. For better sleep of the eyebrows, from the end of the second week, use the headband for a few hours a day on the eyebrows for 2 months.

6. If pimples or bumps or extra flesh appear inside the eyebrows, they should immediately go to the clinic to get the necessary treatment.


▪ Restoration
Each of the following has an effect on the final result of eyebrow transplantation, and these loved ones may need to be repaired after one year, according to the specialist's diagnosis.

✓ Suture fracture and scar in the implant area

✓ Infection of the planting area

✓ Past tattoos and rims if they have caused serious damage to the skin

✓ Severe anemia

✓ Pregnant, breastfeeding and giving birth during the first year after implantation

✓ Use of hormonal drugs and untreated hormonal problems (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism)

✓ Hard weight loss diet without consultation with clinic doctors

✓ Failure to properly wash and care after planting.