Before Eyebrow Transplantation

Before Eyebrow Transplantation

Natural eyebrow Transplantation

Having beautiful eyebrows is one of the most important issues in the beauty of any person's face.

Today, many people, including models, actors and celebrities, use eyebrow transplantation.

Most women believe that eyebrow tattoo and microblading can make their eyebrows look the same, but the fact is that they are not as natural as transplantation and tattooes can not be removed in any way.So be careful about your choice before doing.

Causes of eyebrow loss

Diseases such as changes in hormones, infections, deficiency of some minerals such as

Lack of Iron in the body as well as thyroid disorders may cause eyebrow hair loss

Research has shown that the most common cause of loss of eyebrows are thyroid disorders.

Another of the most important reasons for loss of eyebrows is poor nutrition. Vitamin E deficiency in the body

Causes hair loss. Dehydration can also be another cause of eyebrow loss.

Lack of Protein, biotin, B vitamins, etc. are other reasons for low back and eyebrow loss.

Treatment of eyebrow loss You can use fatty acids. Consume omega 3 and omega 6 in

Reducing hair loss is very effective. Also use foods rich in protein such as

Chicken and poultry meat, eggs, etc. cause the hair to become brittle and weak.

In addition to the use of almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, mangoes, etc., which are rich in antioxidants

The best way to absorb vitamin E is Eliminate B vitamins.

The use of some drugs causes loss of eyebrows. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Solindac,

Psychiatric medications such as lithium or doxipine, weight loss medications as well

In addition, drugs such as contraceptives are other drugs that Using them causes eyebrow and hair loss.

Other causes of loss eyebrows include behavioral disorders, cancers, and stages

Its treatment (chemotherapy), physical factors such as accidents and bodily injuries, aging,Allergies and genetic factors are all part of the cause of eyebrow loss.

Eyebrow transplantation has features that we will discuss here:

For eyebrow hair growth is one of the features of eyebrows that is necessary for natural eyebrow implantation

Also pay attention to it. Also, the angle of placement of the eyebrow is such that the growth of its follicle

The face is angled so that the hair sleeps on the face. So natural eyebrow implant differences

It is done with hair transplants and they should be taken care of. In addition, eyebrow hair grows individually.

And does not consist of multiple strands like hair.

All of these points make natural eyebrow implants require special care skills

For this reason, before starting eyebrow implantation, all these points are considered and for balance 2

Eyebrows The eyebrow implant design is implemented on the face after starting work.

Before eyebrow transplantation:


A thorough consultation with your doctor will help you make sure that it is suitable for eyebrow implants

Whether or not you are, or whether another treatment might be a better option

Ask your doctor questions to alleviate your stress and worries.

Deciding on the right eyebrow shape

Achieving the right eyebrow shape that fits the person's face is very important

Your opinion and the observance of the required standards, draw the shape of your eyebrows, then implant eyebrows

This place is done.

Stages of eyebrow implantation:

Step 1: Design the eyebrows

Before having an eyebrow implant, have a consultation with your doctor about your goals and expectations

You speak for yourself. In this session you decide whether eyebrow transplantation is a suitable method for

Is it you or not.

You and your doctor will design your ideal eyebrows. Physician when necessary

Recommends you, but also listens to your feedback. By designing the eyebrows before the operation

You can be sure that the results of this method will be natural and satisfactory.

It is then determined where and how the donor hair is removed. Most people

They extract their hair from the back of the head, but the best option for each person depends

It depends on how long your hair is. Donor hair should be from the perfect and healthy part of the hair

Be prepared so that the missing follicles are not noticeable.

Step 2: Apply anesthesia

Most people use an oral sedative before eyebrow transplantation to relax

They are performed during the operation. The doctor will also donate local anesthesia to the eyebrows and area

Will use. You will wake up during the operation, but you will not feel any pain.

Step 3: Harvesting and preparing the graft

Picks up the giver. This hair is usually with the help of the surgical team of the hair surgeon from behind

Or extracted behind the ear. There are two main ways to remove donor hair:

FUE and .FUT Using FUE or extraction of the follicle unit, the physician uses a punch to separate

Use to separate the hair separately until it is sufficiently gathered.

But with FUT, the doctor removes a whole strip of skin from the back of your head. Then

Using a microscope, the surgical team removes the ligaments and inserts them

Giving in eyebrows prepare.

Step 4: Planting

Your surgeon will place a hair graft on your eyebrows one at a time. At this point carefully each

Hair is implanted at the right angle to grow like natural eyebrow hair. So a way

It is long and typically takes about four hours, but depending on the number

Transplants, eyebrow implants may be longer or shorter.

The doctor will wait two hours after the operation to make sure you are satisfied with the results


You are. They can make changes or add more hair to the eyebrows to shape and

Reach the right volume.

Step 5: View the final result

Most people feel a little pain and discomfort after the operation and may have small scales and

Coarseness may develop around the implanted eyebrows or this area may persist for several days

Turn red. Some people get bruises or swelling around their eyes, but most people do

If you have bruises or swelling, they probably do not have this problem. It will not even be noticeable.

Considerations related to after eyebrow implantation ▪

Swelling and bruising

Swelling and bruising after planting lasts up to 10 days after planting and requires care

Has a special

1. Asymmetry of the eyebrows in this period is normal and is caused by swelling and is not a cause for concern.

2. Follow a low-salt diet to prevent further swelling. Also eat fluids

Highly recommended.

3. Medications prescribed to prevent swelling and bruising (Anahil capsules and tablets

Triamterene) must be consumed.

4. Apply a cold compress on the eyelid for the first 48 hours every 2 hours for 10 minutes

(Without contact with the implanted area) and after 48 hours hot compress (use one

Clean and warm cloth on the eyelids.)

5. Sleep in a semi-sitting position for 2 weeks after planting and do not sleep on your side as usual.

Do not sleep on the face for a year after implantation (for better sleep of eyebrows)

6. Use a biopteron device (available in the clinic) for up to 48 hours after implantation for recovery

Swelling and bruising are recommended

Fall and rise 

The implantation phase of implanted hair begins about twenty days after implantation and continues for up to 3 months

has it. It starts growing again around the fourth month and takes 12 months.

1 During this period, he has shown complete patience and there is no need to worry.

2 During this period is not recommended any cosmetics and chemicals (pencils and shadows

Eyebrows, soap, eyebrow mascara and eyebrow color) should not be used on the implant area until the root

Do not weaken the hair

3. From the end of the second month after implantation, in consultation with your doctor, be sure to use mesotherapy and PRP for strengthening

Do the roots of the implanted hair (number of sessions required according to the opinion of the consulting physician)

4. From the end of the first month after planting from Serita eyebrow enhancer up to once a day for a year

Use eyebrows.

5 Relevant visits should be taken seriously during this period.

6. Prescription supplements (vitamin C, zinc, etc.) up to three to 6 months after planting

To be

Washing and ointments

1. The first four days after implantation of gentamicin ointment on the eyebrows (once a night before

Impact sleep) and suture site (twice daily after thorough hand washing)

to be used.

2. After that for 10 days of erythromycin ointment in the same way on eyebrows and stitches

to be used

3. During the first 3 days, do not wet the planting site in any way, not even sweat.

4. Washing must start from the fourth day after planting and continue for 10 days.

5. From the fourth day, take a warm shower every morning for twenty minutes as soon as you wake up

So that the eyebrows and stitches are well wetted. Wash your head with shampoo (preferably baby shampoo)

And let the body of the shampoo foam pass over the eyebrows (originally to the eyebrows until the 10th day after implantation

Do not touch). Be sure to rinse the suture area to clean the scabs and prevent infection. Of the day 10 After planting in the bath After wetting the eyebrows with a toothbrush or eyebrow brush

Be sure to brush to remove the scabs.

6. Also from the fourth day of planting for 10 days with eyebrow spray every hour

Keep wet.

7. Use a bowl of water for washing during this time and in such a way that one to one day 2 times two bowls of water (one containing 4 to 5 drops of baby shampoo and one empty water) first punch

Pour water and foam on the eyebrows and then wash the foam in the same way with a bowl of water.

Give. After washing in this way, they can also do brushing.

8. I mention washing from the fourth day after planting for 10 days with three methods of explanation

The above is given to clean the scabs and wounds.

Correct eyebrows

1. Implanted hairs are likely to stop growing if removed with tweezers.

2. For eyebrow correction, use scissors for shortening and razor for eyebrow shape correction.


3. It is better not to shorten the eyebrows until 2 weeks after implantation, and for the first time short in

Set to be trained. 4. It is better not to shorten the eyebrows too much during the shedding phase

To make the shed parts less visible, but the eyebrows must be arranged.

 Ications Medications

1. The copy is prescribed immediately after planting for a month and then by referral

Get a prescription for the clinic in the coming months

2. Be sure to take prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection on the watch.

3. Be sure to take painkillers for 2 to 3 days to prevent pain

4. Tonic drugs are very important and should be taken.

5. Take antihistamines for itching of the sutures and eyebrows.

Other points that need to be mentioned

1. For up to a month, air conditioners and fans, as well as direct sunlight, are not suitable for planting.

Use a masked hat or sunglasses (without touching the eyebrows

2. Saunas, swimming pools, Jacuzzis and strenuous exercise are prohibited for up to four months.

3. Tobacco use has a direct effect on the result of planting for up to one year.

4. Wear clothes for a while after implantation to prevent damage to the implantation area and the eyebrows

Wear loose-fitting collars with buttons.

5. For better sleep eyebrows from the end of the second week for 2 months of the headband a few hours a day

Use on eyebrows.

6. If there is a pimple or bulge or excess flesh inside the eyebrows, go to the clinic immediately.

See for the necessary treatment.

1.Restoration of any of the following affects the final result of eyebrow implantation and may be built According to the expert, these loved ones need to be repaired after one year

2. Fracture and suture scar in the implant area

Infection of the planting area

Past tattoos and remotes if they have caused serious damage to the skin

Severe anemia

 Pregnant breastfeeding and delivery during the first year after implantation

Using hormonal drugs and untreated hormonal problems (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism

Hard weight loss diet without consulting clinic doctors

Do not observe proper washing and care after planting.