Natural Eyebrow Transplantation

Natural and growable eyebrow implantation

Certainly, many people have faced the loss and thinning of their eyebrow hair, and they usually try to deal with this problem by using cosmetic and strengthening products and methods such as tattooing and microblading, but these solutions are not always effective. They even increase the shedding and loss of most of the eyebrows


After eyebrow transplant

1. For up to a month, air conditioners and fans, as well as direct sunlight, are not suitable for the planting area, so you can use a masked hat or sunglasses. (without touching the eyebrows)

2. Saunas, swimming pools, jacuzzis and heavy sports are prohibited for up to four months.

3. Using tobacco for up to one year has a direct effect on the result of implantation.

4. For some time after planting, wear loose collared and buttoned clothes to prevent damage to the planting area and eyebrows.

5. For better sleep of the eyebrows, from the end of the second week, use the headband for a few hours a day on the eyebrows for 2 months.

6. If pimples or bumps or excess flesh appear inside the eyebrows, go to the clinic immediately so that the necessary treatment can be done.


Where should you do eyebrow transplant?
Eyebrow implantation is performed by skin, hair and cosmetic surgeons in a treatment center.

It is best to do your research before getting an eyebrow transplant