CO2 Fractional

CO2 Fractional Laser

CO2 Fractional laser
CO2 Fractional laser is used to reduce the effect of acne scars, deep wrinkles and other skin disorders.

CO2 Fractional laser is commonly used to treat acne scars. However, it can lead to a wide range of skin problems such as:

Skin blemishes

Enlargement of sebaceous glands

Delicate lines and wrinkles

Sagging skin

Sun burn

 And warts help.

This procedure is often done for the face, but the neck, arms and arms are just a few of the areas that the laser can treat.

Who should receive CO2  fractional laser?

The CO2 fractional laser is ideal for people who like to minimize acne scars, fine lines, pigmentation and other skin conditions mentioned above.

Who should avoid fractional CO2 lasers?

Unfortunately, CO2  fractional lasers are not for everyone. People with large pimples, open sores or any infection on the face are advised to avoid this method. People taking oral isotretinoin should also avoid this method.

If you have a chronic illness (such as diabetes), you should be extra careful and consult a doctor or dermatologist first.

Having said that, it is very important to consult a dermatologist to assess whether you are eligible for this procedure.

How is a CO2 fractional laser performed?

CO2  Fractional lasers are often performed using a local anesthetic cream in the area 30 to 45 minutes before. This procedure only takes 15 to 20 minutes.

What should I do before co2 fractional laser?

Do not use products containing retinoids as it may affect the final results.

Avoid overexposure to sunlight 2 weeks before laser treatment.

Stop taking medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin and even vitamin E.

Consult your dermatologist to find out if you are a good candidate for fractional CO2 laser treatment.

Are there any side effects?

Because the fractional CO2 laser method injects heat (through the laser) into the skin, patients may experience redness or swelling in the treated area.

What should I do after a fractional CO2 laser?

After the fractional CO2 laser, you should use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer twice a day. It is better to limit the use of cosmetics as well as they can irritate the skin more.

To reduce swelling around the face, you can apply an ice pack or compress to the treated area in the first 24 to 48 hours after the fractional CO2 laser.

Will the CO2 laser results be known immediately?

The results of skin treatment depend on the problem you are considering. However, when removing acne scars and fine lines, it may take some time for the results to show.

 Do I need to do several sessions of fractional CO2 laser?

Again, depending on the severity of the skin condition, you may need to use this laser for about one to three sessions. These treatments can be done at intervals of four to six weeks.